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Merel Teunissen


Merel Teunissen is a lawyer at Versteeg Wigman Sprey. She advises, contracts, and litigates on the most diverse issues in media, copyright, trademark, and privacy law. To prove that law is not boring, Merel started the blog in 2014. On this site, she blogs on legal topics with a fresh perspective. Merel teaches law at the Theater School in Amsterdam and is an editorial board member at Mediaforum, a magazine about media and communication law.


  • Recording: Yes
  • Language: English, Dutch
  • Duration: 45 min / 15 min


More about this speaker


  • Who owns a photo or text? Can you use it for work, for private or not at all? If you are depicted in a photo, is it then automatically yours? And can you share it on social media? Or can you get fined or even end up in a lawsuit? These questions have never been more relevant. Every single day, we use and share other people’s videos and pictures on social media, we copy text from news websites to send to friends or colleagues. But can we get in trouble for using other people’s intellectual property? Merel gives an interactive and educational session about copyright with the question: ‘Is copyright still viable in the future?’ as guidance.

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