Jonathan Reichental
Dr. Jonathan Reichental is a multiple-award-winning technology and business leader whose career has spanned both the private and public sectors. He is an adjunct professor in the School of Management at the University of San Francisco and instructs at several other universities. He also won a best CIO in Silicon Valley award and a national IT leadership prize. In 2016, he was named one of the top 20 most influential CIO’s in the United States. Reichental is currently the founder of advisory, investment, and education firm, Human Future, and also creates online education for LinkedIn Learning. He recently published the bestseller, Smart Cities for Dummies. His latest book, Exploring Smart Cities Activity Book for Kids, was released in 2021.
- Recording: Yes
- Language: English
- Duration: 45 min / 15 min
Smart Cities
All of the evidence suggests we are in the opening years of a fourth industrial revolution. Changes in the way we live, work, and play are occurring at an accelerated rate. Humanity’s future is now firmly in an urban context and technology is driving new behaviours, expectations, and challenges. Breakthroughs in science, major demographic shifts, and the onset of a climate in crisis, are some of the macro trends shaping a more unpredictable future. In this context, in order for individuals and organisations to continue to thrive in a world in transition, they must get a grasp of many of the big trends in motion and ahead. Leadership must begin with understanding. This session builds the context and shares insights on a number of essential areas of change that includes the future of our cities and technologies that are driving this new revolution. Participants will walk away inspired and optimistic and ready to explore relevant topics more deeply in their environment.