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Robert Wolfe


Robert Wolfe is a leadership coach, storytelling trainer and innovation facilitator at the THNK School of Creative Leadership. Wolfe was born in Australia and educated in the Netherlands (studying business administration at Nyenrode and international politics at the UvA), lived in London where he wrote a book on business strategy, worked as a management trainer in Sydney. Robert became a personal coach, wrote several Dutch-language youth novels, taught improvisational acting and plays cricket.


  • Recording: Yes
  • Language: English, Dutch
  • Duration: 45 min / 15 min


More about this speaker


  • Robert Wolfe lets you experience how you can use a story from your own life to convey a message and convince the people around you to follow you. A leadership skill that has garnered a lot of attention in the past decade and has proven to be crucial for business leaders. Robert shows examples of the best storytelling and provides insights into easy-to-apply storytelling techniques.

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