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The Art of Self Care: How to Strengthen Your Psychological Well Being

Zoia Mahjoubi


Zoia Mahjoubi is a Berlin based psychologist working as a trainer and speaker for topics related to mental health, mindfulness based stress management, psychological resilience, and personal development. As the founder of House of Rebel, she is absolutely passionate about coaching young individuals to design a life that actually suits them.


  • Recording: Yes
  • Language: English, German
  • Duration: 45 min / 15 min


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The Art of Self Care: How to Strengthen Your Psychological Well Being

  • There’s a myth fed by advertisement and social media that self-care is something like a luxurious spa-day, an extravagant weekend trip, or a fancy dinner in a prestigious restaurant. All these indulgences are great but they’re not self-care. What is self-care then? At the most basic level, self-care means the ability to care for yourself so that you generally function in the world. We all practice self-care, even if we’re not aware of it. But in this interactive session Zoia aims to show you how to turn self-care into something that is not just about functioning but flourishing. You will learn about the effects of self-care and why it matters for your longterm health and wellbeing. You will also get ideas on how to incorporate self-care into your life and how to build a self-care routine that actually sticks with you.

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