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Thinking Like a Brand And Amplifying Your Professional Persona

Jonathan A.J. Wilson


Professor Wilson is an award-winning branding practitioner and academic with two doctorates. He has worked with governments, organizations, and people on branding countries, products, services, and people. He has over 200 pieces of published work, given over 100 conference talks, travelled to 40 countries, received Top Voices awards from LinkedIn 4 times, and appears in their television advertisements.


  • Recording: Yes
  • Language: English
  • Duration: 45 min / 15 min


More about this speaker

Thinking Like a Brand And Amplifying Your Professional Persona

  • The trend of professionals who control their public narrative, engage with authenticity, and do so by creating a personal brand is seeing increasing rewards – both for them and the organisations they work for. Professor Jonathan A.J. Wilson’s Leqture explores how you can grow your reputation, network, and visibility, with inclusivity – in a collaborative way that amplifies and energises your good work, along with that of your organisation.

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