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Anna Machin

Dr. Anna Machin is an evolutionary anthropologist, writer and broadcaster who studies the science behind our closest relationships including those between parents and children, lovers, friends and family. She spent over a decade at the University of Oxford using multi-disciplinary techniques, including neuroscience, genetics and psychology, to explore the question “What is Love?”. She broadcasts regularly in the UK, Europe, US and Australia, has written for The New York Times, The New York Daily News, The Guardian, Medium and Aeon and is the author of The Life of Dad: The Making of the Modern Father (2018) and Why We Love: The New Science Behind our Closest Relationships (2022).

All Leqtures by this speaker

The Science of Love

In this enlightening session, evolutionary anthropologist Dr. Anna Machin explores the science behind love: how it affects our brains, the role of genetics and psychology in shaping our experiences, and the future possibilities involving love drugs and AI. Join Anna to discover the profound insights that the science of love offers into our human nature.

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