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Leqture Speakers

Assaf Ben David


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Timezone: Europe/Amsterdam

Assaf Ben David

Assaf has worked at one of the top law firms in Israel, specialising in commercial law, venture capital funds, Internet & Computer law and Start-Ups. In 2014, Assaf established the IDC Legal Clinic for Start-ups, and has since been teaching courses such as “Entrepreneurship 101” and “International Business Negotiations” at numerous leading universities, including the IDC (Israel), Technion (Israel), Innsbruck (Austria), and Peking (China). Assaf was awarded a certificate of excellence in teaching. Additionally, he serves as an advisor and mentor to startups around the world and is a leading advisor on

All Leqtures by this speaker

Common Mistakes by Startup Founders

Mistakes cost time and money, and can have a devastating effect on a startup or business venture. During this leqture, and with the help of some real-life stories and humor, you will discover the 3 most common business/legal mistakes made by entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs - and how to overcome them. The result: you will have eaten from the ‘forbidden fruit’, and gained the knowledge needed to avoid these mistakes, and perhaps even be able to guide your friends so that they too can avoid them. Join Assaf in this session and learn how to avoid the common mistakes made by startup founders.

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