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Leqture Speakers

Frans von der Dunk

Professor of Space Law


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Timezone: Europe/Amsterdam

Frans von der Dunk

Frans von der Dunk is Professor of Space Law at the University of Nebraska and Director of Black Holes Consultancy on space law and policy in Leiden, The Netherlands. He is among the most well-known experts on space law and policy in the world, has authored two leading handbooks and over two hundred articles and has advised hundreds of clients world-wide on issues of space law and policy: governments, space agencies, international organizations such as the UN, the EU and ESA, private corporations and other private entities such as the Association of Space Explorers.

All Leqtures by this speaker

Space Tourism & the Law

Most people may never have heard about something called ’space law’. Yet, given the increasing importance of space applications even in our everyday life, law and regulation is becoming crucial. Take for instance space tourism. A trip to space, flying weightlessly in a space-shuttle or a quick visit to the moon: it won’t last long before an exotic holiday trip can be spend in space. Right now international rules are developed to prepare for an age in which space activities and space applications will become indispensable for human life on Earth. Frans von der Dunk is one of the first few space lawyers. In this session, he will show the audience how new rules and regulations are developed for this exciting new frontier in tourism.

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