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Leqture Speakers

Teacher & Researcher Clinical Psychology


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Timezone: Europe/Amsterdam

Haza Rahim

Haza Rahim grew up with 2 cultures, the Kurdish and the Dutch. She shows how big the influence of your culture is on your identity. She is a Psychology lecturer at Utrecht University, where she became a Talent of the Year lecturer and speaks enthusiastically about the differences between people in order to strengthen mutual connection.

All Leqtures by this speaker

Cultural Identity

Being late is disrespectful, assertiveness is not the same as being cheeky and the individual leads the collective. What we consider ‘normal’ depends on people’s culture. This culture even determines your identity to a large extent. Haza takes her audience on a journey across a rich range of differences between Eastern and Western experience, from attitudes towards property and public space to how we perceive authority. What can we learn from people who grew up in 2 cultures about what we experience as self-evident, partly unconscious norms and values? Do self-clarity and self-esteem matter? Research has shown the importance of a stable (cultural) identity for healthy mental well-being. Specifically, cultural identity conflicts arising from acculturation challenges is an important predictor in low psychological wellbeing within certain populations. Join Haza in this session to gain a refreshing insight into cultural identities, followed by a Q&A.

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