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Leqture Speakers

Experiential designer, Facilitator


Available on location and online only in Teams Meeting and ZOOM

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Timezone: Europe/Amsterdam

Rod Ben Zeev

Rod is an experiential designer, facilitator and host. He works with the THNK School of Creative Leadership and has designed and facilitated hundreds of programs around the world in innovation, system's thinking, leadership and storytelling for custom programs and the Executive Leadership Program. He is a regular leqturer for and gives inspiring sessions focusing on connecting people, creating group dynamics, giving feedback and mindsets for innovation. He regularly works with the World Economic Forum, Stanford, UC Berkeley Haas School, the World Health Organisation, the New York Police Department, Patagonia and all the banks and consultancies you can think of.

All Leqtures by this speaker

The Growth Mindset (with breakout rooms)

In this 60 minute interactive session, Rod makes the case that the success or failure of everything we do depends on only one factor: being in the growth mindset. Using both the research of Stanford University's Carol Dweck and his own work on innovation and leadership with hundreds of organizations worldwide, Rod will guide participants to feel the advantages of the growth mindset and to develop tactics to be in this zone more effectively. By the end of the session, participants will have a shared vocabulary around the mindset, greater awareness of their individual strengths and weaknesses and a clear individual action plan. This session contains 2 breakout rooms.

Feedback (with breakout rooms)

How do you give and receive feedback? We often find it difficult to tell someone what we really think. And when we do, the receiver is not always open to it, and in the end, nothing changes. What is the right way? Rod gives an interactive session full of insights about human behaviour. Based on true stories, some even with disastrous results, he shows how important it is that we are able to give each other feedback in the right way. Easy and fun exercises help you understand how you can give valuable feedback, so that both you and others can continue to grow, develop, and learn. This session contains 2 breakout rooms.

Mindset for Collaboration (with breakout rooms)

In a few interactive, playful exercises Rod shows people how to switch from ‘Yes, but’ to ‘Yes, and’. Learn how to use active listening techniques to better communicate with others and build on each others ideas. Rod uses renowned techniques from improv to facilitate leadership and talent development. The result? A more pleasant way of working together and better communication. Also, in this session you will gain a broader perspective on discovering new possibilities and will learn to feel more comfortable when making a mistake. The online version of this session contains 2 breakout rooms.


Rod lets you experience how you can use a story from your own life to convey a message and convince the people around you to follow you. A leadership skill that has garnered a lot of attention in the past decade and has proven to be crucial for business leaders. Rod shows examples of the best storytelling and provides insights into easy-to-apply storytelling techniques.

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