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Leqture Speakers


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Timezone: Amsterdam (CET)

Rody Vonk

Rody Vonk (1973) is an international trainer and facilitator in the field of innovation, creative thinking and design thinking. He helps organisations engage in a clear process for developing new and improving existing products, services and processes. His sessions are interactive, dynamic and focused on learning-by-doing. Rody trains and coaches employees at all levels in a variety of organisations in the Netherlands, Europe, Africa and the Middle East. He is author of the book 'Innovate: First believe, then see' (2019) and co-author of 'Online Innovation' (2021).

All Leqtures by this speaker

Business Creativity

Many people relate creativity to 'fun' and artistic activities such as art or dance. But creativity is more. To keep up as an organisation in a rapidly changing world, you will have to break new ground. But how do you break free from traditional ways of doing and thinking? Why do we so quickly come up with idea killers when brainstorming new solutions? And how do you get people excited about a new idea? After all, change also evokes resistance... Rody gives you insights and some practical tips on how to use creativity effectively in a professional environment

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