Leqture Speakers

Andrew Tarvin
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Timezone: America/New_York
Andrew Tarvin
Andrew Tarvin is the CEO of Humor That Works, a leadership development company that teaches professionals how to use humor to achieve better business results. He has partnered with top organizations - including IBM, the UN, and the FBI - to solve human challenges with humor solutions. A best-selling author, Andrew has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Inc, and FastCompany, and was named a Visionary Under 40 by the P& G Alumni Network. His TEDx talk on the skill of humor has been viewed more than eleven million times. He guest-lectured at various universities such as City University of New York, Duke University, Hawaii University, Hofstra University and Penn State University.
All Leqtures by this speaker
Find your Funny, Unlocking your Sense of Humor at Work
As the world adapts to a new normal, many workers have lost their sense of humor, impacting the workplace's humanity. In this mindset-shifting session, you will learn the importance of humor, discover your personal humor style, and master key steps to create humor, fostering a positive perspective and culture, boosting confidence, and enhancing workplace interactions.