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Leqture Speakers

Dramatherapist, Cognitive Behaviour Psychotherapist & Clinical Supervisor


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Janeen Wilson

Janeen, Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist with 18 years of experience in creative and therapeutic fields for children and youth, passionately supports future generations. As a part-time Team Leader in the UK's Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, she offers cognitive behavior and drama therapy for those with mental health challenges. Through her private practice, Creative Lotus, she advocates for emotional well-being.

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Allyship: Discussing Power and Privilege

Janeen Wilson stresses recognizing and tackling societal marginalization. Marginalized groups face systematic exclusion due to various factors like race, gender, and disability. To foster inclusivity, organizations can adopt Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) measures, like bias training and flexible policies. Advocacy and allyship involve leveraging privilege to support marginalized communities. Intersectionality acknowledges compounded discrimination from multiple identities. Wilson urges authentic allyship, emphasizing continuous support and accountability.

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