Leqture Speakers
Surya Gayet
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Timezone: Amsterdam (CET)
Surya Gayet
Dr. Surya Gayet (1984) is a cognitive neuroscientist and experimental psychologist, who studies human consciousness, attention, perception, and memory. Surya published more than 30 scientific papers in the last decade, measuring eye- movements, behavior, and brain activity (functional MRI and electroencephalography) to unravel one of the biggest mysteries of the mind: how electric signals in our brains generate a conscious experience of the world we live in.
All Leqtures by this speaker
How Experience Shapes Your Perception Of The World
Isn’t it obvious, why don’t they SEE it? It can be frustrating when you are presenting your work or ideas to your colleagues or supervisor, but they just don’t seem to get it. This thought-provoking lecture will walk you through neuroscience research and famous visual illusions, showing that your conscious perception of the world is not a copy of the outside world, but a useful ‘hallucination’ that only you have access to; it is fabricated by your brain, based on your unique knowledge and experience, and is inevitably different from what anyone else perceives. This realization provides an important foundation to successfully empathize, communicate, and collaborate with others.